Flower Essences

Property categories: Flower Essences

Product Image Item Name- Price
FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Paintbrush 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Paintbrush 30ml

Castilleja miniata (red). Positive qualities: Lively, energetic creativity, exuberant artistic activity. Patterns of imbalance: Low vitality and exhaustion, difficulty rousing physical forces to sustain the intensity of creative work; inability to bring creative forces into physical expression.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Pink 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Pink 30ml

The FES Quintessentials flower essences are liquid potentized extracts derived from flowers grown in the Biodynamic gardens at Terra Flora, or pristine wildflower habitats. Created in 'Nature’s laboratory' through a careful orchestration of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, FES essences combine the fifth quintessential element of the sensitive attunement and awareness of the...

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Pink 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Pink 7.5ml

Silene californica (red). Positive qualities: Ability to remain centered and focused, even under stress or high levels of activity; managing and coordinating diverse tasks. Patterns of imbalance: Psychic forces which are easily fragmented by too much movement; frayed and overwhelmed during multi-leveled activity.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Lavender 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Lavender 7.5ml

 Lavandula officinalis (violet). Positive qualities: Spiritual sensitivity, highly refined awareness intact with stable bodily health. Patterns of imbalance: Nervous or high-wired energy states, over-stimulation of mental or spiritual forces, depletion of physical forces; insomnia.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Love Lies Bleeding 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Love Lies Bleeding 7.5ml

Amaranthus caudatus (red). Positive qualities: Transcendent consciousness, the ability to move beyond personal pain, suffering or mental anguish; transpersonal vision; compassionate acceptance of life karma. Patterns of imbalance: Intensification of pain and suffering due to isolation; profound melancholia or despair due to the over-personalization of one's pain.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Milkweed 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Milkweed 7.5ml

Asclepias cordifolia (red-purple). Positive qualities:  Healthy ego strength; independence and self-reliance. Patterns of imbalance:  Neediness and emotional regression, dulling the consciousness through drugs, alcohol, overeating; creating dependency or sickness to receive attention.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Morning Glory 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Morning Glory 7.5ml

Ipomoea purpurea (blue). Positive qualities: Sparkling vital force, awake and refreshed; in touch with natural life rhythms. Patterns of imbalance: Dull, toxic, or “hung over,” inability to fully enter the body, especially in the morning; addictive or erratic living habits that deplete life force.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Mullein 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Mullein 7.5ml

Verbascum thapsus (yellow). Positive qualities: Strong sense of inner conscience, truthfulness, uprightness. Patterns of imbalance: Inability to hear one's inner voice; moral weakness and confusion, indecisiveness; lying or deception to oneself or others.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Penstemon 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Penstemon 7.5ml

 Penstemon davidsonii (violet-blue). Positive qualities: Inner fortitude despite outer hardships; perseverance; ability to endure and forbear adversity. Patterns of imbalance: Feeling persecuted or sorry for oneself; inability to bear life's difficult circumstances.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Pink Yarrow 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Pink Yarrow 30ml

The FES Quintessentials flower essences are liquid potentized extracts derived from flowers grown in the Biodynamic gardens at Terra Flora, or pristine wildflower habitats. Created in 'Nature's laboratory' through a careful orchestration of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, FES essences combine the fifth quintessential element of the sensitive attunement and awareness of the...

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Pink Yarrow 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Pink Yarrow 7.5ml

Achillea millefolium var. rubra (pink-purple). Positive qualities: Loving awareness of others within a field of self-contained consciousness; appropriate emotional boundaries. Patterns of imbalance: Unbalanced sympathetic forces, overly absorbent auric field, lack of emotional clarity, dysfunctional merging with others.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Pretty Face 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Pretty Face 7.5ml

Triteleia ixioides (yellow, brown stripes). Positive qualities: Radiant inner beauty; self-acceptance in relation to personal appearance despite handicaps or blemishes. Patterns of imbalance: Feeling ugly or rejected because of personal appearance; over-identified with physical appearance.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Purple Monkeyflower 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Purple Monkeyflower 7.5ml

Mimulus kelloggii (purple). Positive qualities: Love-based rather than fear-based spirituality, calm and clarity when experiencing spiritual phenomena; the courage to trust in one's own spiritual experience or guidance. Patterns of imbalance: Fear of retribution or censure if one departs from religious conventions of family or community; apprehension or avoidance of threshold experiences due to...

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Quaking Grass 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Quaking Grass 7.5ml

Briza maxima (green). Positive qualities: Harmonious community consciousness, flexible and receptive in group work. Patterns of imbalance: Dysfunctional in group settings, inability to compromise, over-attachment to personal will and desire in social situations.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Red Clover 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Red Clover 7.5ml

 Trifolium pratense (pink-red). Positive qualities: Calm and steady presence, especially in emergency situations, internally generated behavior. Patterns of imbalance: Susceptible to mass hysteria and anxiety, easily influenced by panic or other forms of group thought.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Sage 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Sage 7.5ml

Salvia officinalis (violet). Positive qualities: Wisdom derived from life experience; ability to assess and understand life process from a higher perspective. Patterns of imbalance: Seeing life as ill-fated or undeserved; inability to perceive higher purpose and meaning in life events.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Sagebrush 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Sagebrush 7.5ml

Artemisia tridentata (yellow). Positive qualities: Essential awareness that releases what is extraneous, receptive “emptiness” capable of transformation and change. Patterns of imbalance: Over-identification with illusory parts of oneself; cluttered and chaotic attachments; need to release dysfunctional and stifling aspects within the personality or surroundings.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Saint John's Wort 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Saint John's Wort 7.5ml

Hypericum perforatum (yellow). Positive qualities:  Illumined consciousness, light-filled awareness; solar strength. Patterns of imbalance:  Psychic and physical vulnerability; fearful or disturbed dreams; depression due to lack of contact with spiritual world.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Scarlet Monkeyflower 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Scarlet Monkeyflower 7.5ml

Mimulus cardinalis (red). Positive qualities: Direct and clear communication of deep feelings, especially anger or disappointment, integration of the emotional “shadow”. Patterns of imbalance: Fear or repression of intense feelings; inability to act upon issues of anger and powerlessness; need to be seen as “nice” rather than “real”.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Scotch Broom 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Scotch Broom 7.5ml

Cytisus scoparius (yellow). Positive qualities: Positive and optimistic feelings about future events; sun-like forces of action and connection in the world. Patterns of imbalance: Disheartened and depressed; overcome with pessimism and despair, especially regarding one's personal relationship to world events.