Brand Heart Radiance

Product Image Item Name Price
Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Blessed Birthing 30ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Blessed Birthing 30ml

This blend supports the mother's confidence in her body's ability to move through a safe and natural birth. Assists the parents in entering into the birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting and a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby's passage into the world. Eases fear around birth for both parents. Brings flexibility to the birth process Challenges: Fear of birthing, lacking confidence in...

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Conception 30ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Conception 30ml

Energetically assists fertility & IVF process. Challenges: Distress around a medical diagnosis of infertility or enrolment in IVF programFeeling incapable of falling pregnantDespairing of ever falling pregnant Healing Outcomes: Energetically supports feeling confident of optimum fertility in both parents-to-beUsed in conjunction with consciously trying to fall pregnantAssists by energetically...

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Empty Nest 30ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Empty Nest 30ml

This blend supports parents as they transition back to establishing their lives without dependent children. Assists with appropriate letting-go and with developing strong clear boundaries with adult children. Helps clear patterns of resentment, blame, jealousy, and loneliness. Opens the way to reclaiming the soul, reigniting old interests and friendships and developing new ones. Challenges:...

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Birthing Recovery 30ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Birthing Recovery 30ml

This blend of essences energetically supports the healing of the wounding of a difficult birth for both mother and baby. Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Supports the emotional after-effects (grief and guilt) of miscarriage and abortion. Opens your heart to welcome a pregnancy again, when the time is right. Challenges: Difficult birthFeels tired...

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Meditation Spray Mist 100ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Meditation Spray Mist 100ml

Meditation spray mist resonates with the Seventh chakra opening the pathway to deep contemplation and reflection. In mastering the mind, we live contentedly with the environment and at peace. Challenges: Busy, racing mind, chaotic thoughtsIn need of a spiritual liftFeeling tired but 'wired' Healing Outcomes: Quiets the mindCalmness and acceptanceSupports meditation practice

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Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Protection Spray Mist 100ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Protection Spray Mist 100ml

Protection spray mist resonates with the Fourth chakra opening the heart to loving interactions, whilst at the same time protecting from negative energies. Challenges: For feeling unsafe and impacted by negative energy Healing Outcomes: Feeling safeDispels negative energy coming from others leaving you free, open hearted and fearlessTaps into your inner strength and courage

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Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Clear Space Spray Mist 100ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Clear Space Spray Mist 100ml

Centres on the Base chakra, Clear Space spray mist helps to open up to the presence of now, transforming stuck energy that belongs to another time, situation or the energy of powerful emotions. Challenges: Clears stagnant energy in a place, space, group or individual Healing Outcomes: Resonates with the Base chakra and opens you to the presence of NOW.

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Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Crisis Calm Spray Mist 100ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Crisis Calm Spray Mist 100ml

Crisis Calm spray mist resonates with the Third chakra and can be used in all kinds of emergencies to calm, reassure, centre and ground. Challenges: For all situations where emotional upset, shock, fear or overwhelm are present Healing Outcomes: Calm and reassuranceActs quickly on humans (individual or a group), plants and animals alike bringing a stressful situation back into control

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Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Divinely Feminine Spray Mist 100ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Divinely Feminine Spray Mist 100ml

Divinely Feminine spray mist resonates with the Second chakra and the energy of your creativity, sensitivity, sexuality, intimacy, emotional well-being, and self-expression. Challenges: Poor body image and lack of self loveShy or timid around sexuality Healing Outcomes: Helps let go of old patterns of self loathing and celebrate your uniquenessOpens up to exploring sexuality safelyActivates love...

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Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Clarity Spray Mist 100ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Clarity Spray Mist 100ml

Resonating with the Fifth chakra the invigorating and clear aroma of Clarity spray mist clears the head and sharpens the mind. Challenges: Difficulty with self expressionFeeling unclear or muddle headedNervousness with public speaking Healing Outcomes: Aids clear thinking and expressionOpens awarenessSupports creativity, study and new projects by clearing self doubt

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Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Awaken Spray Mist 100ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Awaken Spray Mist 100ml

Awaken spray mist resonates with the Sixth chakra engaging you with your Inner Wisdom and attuning to your Higher Self. Opens you up to your intuition so that your body is in tune with your mind and the 'present' moment. Challenges: Indecisive, unsure of yourselfPowerless, lacking confidenceFocused on materialism but yearn for more meaning in lifeDon't know how to slow down and take time...

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