Bob\'s Red Mill Gluten Free Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal 4x 680g
Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal 4x 680g

Price:   $51.95

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Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal is made from freshly milled whole grain brown rice, corn, buckwheat and sorghum. It is a great way to start the morning with a satisfying gluten free hot cereal.

This irresistible whole grain cereal makes a flavourful and nourishing hot breakfast cereal. Try it topped with brown sugar, cinnamon and coconut milk or cream for a delicious bowl of porridge packed with healthy fats and protein. This unique breakfast cereal is also a good source of fiber!

It’s easy to have hot cereal for breakfast: cook in boiling water with salt for 10 minutes, then top however you wish! Whether you prefer your cereal hot or cold, at Bob’s Red Mill, our breakfast cereals give you the variety and delicious taste you need to start your morning.


Whole grain brown rice, corn, sweet white sorghum, buckwheat.

Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal

  • Barcode: 039978111166
  • SKU: 04810
  • Shipping Weight: 0.74kg

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 23 March, 2022.